Meeting Minutes for April 2009 Board Meeting
Date: 04-06-2009
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Common Man, Windham, NH
Dana Sion, Michael Morin, Dave Tibedeau, Dave Harrison, Paul Michali, Laura Fallis, Pete McDonough, Cassandra Vorisek-Creto, Al Creto, Mark Viola
We did not have a quorum so no items were voted on. The following is a summary of the discussion during the meeting.
With a review of the advertising spreadsheet, Dana noted that we’ll need to start invoicing some of our advertisers; there are six vendors who haven’t yet paid. We covered a brief review of the proposed marketing budget and had another discussion regarding business cards. Dana was mentioned that there is a company that provides free business cards; he’ll track down the URL for that company to get further information. We had discussion of “Made in NH” designation and whether the club wanted to pursue this. The designation was opened up this year to service organizations and offers additional ways for the club to gain exposure. The application/annual fee is $50.
Discussion of changing by-laws so that we don’t get stuck without having quorum
Various request for sponsors have been sent out. Laura has set up a meeting with Liberty Mutual with the hope of getting them to sponsor Street Survival and possible ADSS. She has a meeting with Bavarian Auto on 4/10 for sponsorship; one of the items to be addressed is the using their drivers slot at track events during the current year of sponsorship. There have been a number of scheduling conflicts with IRA and the problem is compounded with multiple decision make. Laura has a (tentative) meeting scheduled with Bret Bogart on 4/24. Their big objection seems to be demonstrating return on investment. We discussed a number of ways to counter this objection including the arguments of goodwill, name recognition for the dealership and foot traffic that the club brings ( diesel demo night, etc). Laura has also been making efforts to reach out to HMS Motorsport, Stratham Tire, 3D Autoworks and has sent mailings to bigger corporations as well. There was also mention of a vintage festival on May 15-16 at the track that the club could promote itself
The SEC met last week; the takeaway was to ensure cost neutral events for the balance of the year. As such, carting will be postponed until next year – though a family carting event may be in the works. SEC will be planning two road rallies – NH wine country and a “haunted” tour in October. The SEC will be catering the three-day track event in the fall and planning is already underway for January the 2010 winter reunion. There were 12 attendees at the Parker’s Maple Barn including a few first time attendees.
DEC is schedule for next week in Merrimack. Cabin fever registration is now at ~ 50 drivers including 11 first timers. ADSS has 26 signed up so far and will max out at ~ 30.
Mini event registration has opened up but interest has been light.
Laura will be added as the DEC sponsorship contact on the website to give her sponsorship efforts more credibility
Membership numbers are down to 704 from 713 a month earlier.
Nashua is the only area gaining members; all others holding steady or losing. There was a brief review of national’s membership drive; three different categories include individual, dealerships and club level.
Web Master
Many changes to the site include a new banner, calendar revisions, Kelley’s cause, cabin fever video, RSS feeds and Facebook link. So far this year, Paul has spent 49.5 hours doing development and 8 hours of maintenance.
A mid-meeting email from Mike Dion indicated that we the club has $18,088 in the bank. So far we’ve seen $1948 from ADSS and $7253 for Cabin Fever.
There was discussion on using the forest stuardship council logo on our publications; Vermillion is certified until 2012 and would be responsible for adding the stamp if the club is so included. The item will need to be brought to a vote before the board.
It was noted that driving events have not been listed in the Roundel; DEC notes can be uploaded by board member to Roundel.
There was discussion about having an in-car camera during ADSS and HPS as a means of generating additional revenue. Additionally, we could look into having a photographer available at track events.