February 2002 Board Meeting Minutes by George Bixby February 6, 2002
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at Jillian’s in Manchester, NH. Mike Francis and Phil Brown were unable to attend for personal reasons. Mike had asked Erik Wensberg to run the meeting. Other club officers in attendance were Mike Lussier and George Bixby. Also attending were Peter Duffy, Dick Cadieux, Bruce Smith, Rob Greer, Patty Bixby, Alan Legerlotz, Joe Laufenberg, Marty Callahan, and Rob Stager.
Erik opened the meeting by asking George to distribute the minutes to the previous months meeting and the agenda to this months meeting. After reviewing the minutes, Erik asked for a motion to accept the minutes. It was so moved, seconded, and accepted.
Erik asked Mike Lussier to give the treasurers report. Mike reported that the club’s bills were all current. He added that the Holiday party cost the club $3200. Mike informed the club that the chapter’s financial statements had to be submitted to national by March.
Rob Stager was asked to report on the up coming Rally Cross event? Although, driving events are covered by the Drivin School committee, the rally cross was a new event and had been put together with short notice. Rob stated that 26 people had registered for the event with five more planning to attend. Rob indicated that he felt the club’s cost for the event would be covered. He added that Alan Goddu had accepted the duties of on site registrar. Rob also suggested that others may want to participate the day of the event but had not previously registered. There was discussion about this and it was decided that walk in participation would be charged a ten dollar premium over the regular registration fees. It was also decide that pictures Dan Croteau took should be passed along to the web site for additional exposure. Rob reported that due to a publicity mix up that prizes would be offered at an awards function afterward.
Erik asked George to report on the efforts to gain more public exposure. George responded that he had contacted Jeanne Morris of the Union Leader about attending and writing about Advanced Skills School. She had expressed a favorable reply and added that she would be interested in joining us for a Driving School course (at the track). However, because she turned in the car she writes about on Thursdays, it appears that she may not be able to take advantage of both events in April.
There was some discussion about this issue and it was decided that the chapter should make every effort to assist her to participate in both events in April. Erik instructed George to offer that different vehicles could be used for the events. He suggested that a vehicle could be made available for the skill school if needed. George replied that because she tested new cars that this might not be an option. Erik said that she could bring a non-BMW to the skill school and use a BMW for the Driving School. Erik added that the usual fees for both events would be waved were she to participate. George replied that he would communicate this to Ms. Morris.
On a related topic, there was a question about allowing non-members to participate in the certain of the club’s events. Erik stated that non-members would be charged the membership fee along with the event fee. Dick Cadieux added that was the way he became a member, explaining that he joined this way to participate in an autocross event.
The next topic for discussion was for the club to maintain an Email distribution list. Erik asked Bruce smith to speak on this issue. Bruce explained that for the Rally Cross that over six hundred mailing were sent out (by snail mail) to advertise the Rally Cross. He said that this effort could be simpler if this could have been done by “E-mail”. There was some discussion about this idea with most of the membership in favor. However, there were some questions about how to obtain the necessary information and maintain it.
Bruce suggested that the club poll the membership through the Profile and the web site. He added that this list was not for sale and it should be so stated. It was also suggested that a mailing could go out to the membership inquiring this information. Lastly, Bruce said that the list would only be maintained by him (as registrar). This idea was motioned, seconded, and accepted.
The last old business item was to have the Driving Events Committee to submit a schedule of the driving events scheduled for the season with the associated budgets. After some discussion, it was agreed that this was a good idea. George added that it may take some time to fully implement but once started could be a useful planning tool. The proposal was motioned, seconded, and accepted.
Erik asked the membership if there was any new business for the club to consider.
Patty Bixby reported that she had explored some opportunities for activities. She mentioned that she had contacted the Simon Pearce Glass Factory (in Quechee Vermont) about a tour and luncheon. She said that forty people could be accommodated, at about $35 per person. She added that she was looking at a tentative date of June 9th and a $300 deposit would be required to hold the date. Erik said that this looked promising but wanted to gauge reaction before committing.
Patty told the chapter that she was working on proposing a Wine tasting dinner to be held in September.
Alan Legerlotz reported that the BMW CCA Club Racing schedule indicated club racing on October 19th and 20th at NHIS. He added that October 20th and 21st at NHIS were dates that the club had published as Driving School events. This confusion seems to have originated with the Boston chapter.
Apparently, there was a request from Luka Sedar for White Mountain Chapter to Co-sponsor the club race for those dates. Before the request could be relayed to the Chapter membership, Boston had published the dates.
Alan said that he wanted to get this into the minutes so that it could be taken up at the next Driver’s Event Committee meeting. There was some discussion about how to deal with this with Peter Duffy stating that he was against the idea of losing a Driving School day to a club race day. He added that the club’s interest was in promoting driving events for the membership. Alan responded that the club was also interested in promoting club racing. Erik replied that both were right and that the matter will be taken up at the Driving Event Committee meeting.
Mike Lussier asked about the club’s interest in relocating the Board of Director’s/Membership meeting? He had reported that The Yard, Fratello’s, and the Puritan Back Room had all expressed interest in having us meet at their establishments. Mike suggested that The Yard appeared to offer the most attractive package. He explained that they were offering a private room, food from a menu selection, and required that we spend $100. It was agreed that this was an offer the club should accept and it was so moved, seconded, and accepted. It was also agreed that next months meeting would be held at Jillian’s and beginning April 3, 2002 the meetings would be held at The Yard.
Peter Duffy reported on the club's membership status. He said that the chapter had about 593 members. He added that we acquired 29 new members last year but lost 35.
Peter reported that BMW NA had extended the membership rewards program for another year. Lastly, Peter displayed the newest membership application form and past some out to those attending.
Erik welcomed Martin Callahan back from his stay in Germany. Erik asked if there was other new business for the club to consider. Erik adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm.