Board Meeting Minutes
Feb 2010
by: Roland Beaule February 1, 2010
Meeting called to order at 6:35pm
All in attendance: Dana Sion, Micheal Morrin, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, Paul Michali, Dave Thibodeau, Laura Fallis, David Harrison.
-Mark confirmed position, Martin Callahan still on board for the Profile.
I. Sponsorships- Laura said keep the driving events on a verbal per event basis. IRA, 3D Auto, BavAuto need commitments.
Need to a contract with Mario from VSR about the price comparison with ad.
Laura would like a year commitment from all sponsors.
HMS would like to have their truck at events on a price per event.
SEC- Nothing this month
Website- Paul
Paul said he updated the website on the Member look-up page,updated the Title page and Automated the election page.
Paul spent about 190 hours last year maintaining the website. He is looking for member to help with maintaining the site.
Membership- Mike Morin
Membership is at 693
The club is looking for car shows to set up a membership table at.
Treasury- Mike Dion was absent from this meeting so Mark gave the financials for 2009
We took in $92643.46 and had $88465.13 in expenses for a profit of $4178.33. We currently have $15654.98 in the bank.
DEC- David Thibodeau
There will be a special Street survivor for Milford and Amherst high schools on April 24.
There is a problem finding the registration page for it. Paul sent and Email to bill about it to update the Street Survivor site.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm