July Board Meeting

By Roland Beaule

All in attendance: Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Roland Beaule, Paul Michali, Mark Viola, Linda Johnson, Walter and Tracy Wolf, David and Rachelle Harrison, Cassandra Vorisec-Creto.

Called to order at: 6:45

Baseball tickets- Rachelle is working on the tickets. Trying to get a hold of someone, if not she will go to the office.

SEC: Haunted rally is ready to go. NE Exotic car show is Aug 21.

Membership: Down. April was at 700, May down 1, June down 2, 697. Facebook is up 135 fans. We can send out a welcome letter and a sheet with upcoming events to new members.

Website: 27 hours development, 3 hours maintenance. Updates to SEC, removed Hotlaps stuff. Foundation link updated(wasn't working). Refreshed the Fun Rally page.

Marketing: Send out letter to inform. Getting Concord Motorsport back after a year.

DEC: Tough year for driving events. Talking about giving out a slot in the next school. An idea: Giving out a referral discount, Money off for bringing a friend.

Miked Emailed that we have $14,000 in the bank.

The club board members have decided to give Laura an extension on track day tuition till the end of August for the July 29 event.

Called at: 8:30