September board meeting

All in attendance: Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, Paul Lilious, David Harrison.

Called to order: 6:45

SEC: Next meeting, Cassandra couldn’t make it.

DEC: Summer Heat no numbers yet, Should not be a lost.

-Oct 2nd skid school and October 3 day driving school with Boston.

-Mike asked about other Insurance on convertibles. No way around CCA rules.

General Stuff: Elections are coming up. Paul is working on the site for them.

-Nominations are in Oct – Nov

-Looking for more Involvement from all members.

-Mark wants to put together a master list of assets for admin to look at. So we know what we have and where it is.

-Bavauto did finally renew with Profile

-Reimbursement for sponsorship of canceled school

-They will give vendor space and $200 worth of gift cards for 3 meals at reunion.

Website: Need more Info on an intern looking for work.

-Looking to add a video from precision garage door on Homelink.

Membership: Down 10 members from August to 686. Mike would like to know where membership comes from, like street survivor.

Called at: 8;45