October Board Meeting
By Roland Beaule
All in Attendance: Roland Beaule, Mike Morin, Dana Sion,David Thibodeau, Mark Viola, Cassandra Vorisec-Creto, David and Rachelle Harrison, Tracy Wolf.
Called to order at: 6:37
SEC: Show and Shine was packed. BavAuto free stuff gone by lunchtime. Would have been nice to be under tent with vendors with power. Sold 3 memberships.
October 17th is the haunted rally. 12 cars so far should be showing up. Will be a lunch meal.
Winter Reunion website up and running. Goes live in Nov. Donation items are coming in.
2011 Events are started being planned:
Ice Hokey, Parker House, Open House
Mark asked about costs on Reunion- $200 for room. Food $30-$35 per plate.
DEC: Wrapped up last ADSS with 12-13 people attending.
Help Boston with 3 day in October.
Dates for next year:
We have October 3 day for next year.
April 22 Friday for cabin fever
June, get with Boston
Do something with the club and IRL.
Pre-race pit pass or coral.
Membership: Down to 682 members
Other stuff: Nomination for offices in October
Paul needs some Ballot Questions if needed.
Closed At: 8:30