November Board Meeting

By: Roland Beaule

All in attendance: Mark Viola, Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Roland and Vivian Beaule, David Harrison

Called to order at: 6:37

Voting is opened and is working, Everyone is running unopposed.

SEC: Haunted Rally was a success. 30 people showed.

Dates for the upcoming 2011 season:

January 22 winter reunion,

Sunday February, 13 Monarchs game,

February 19 General tech session at 3D Auto,

Wed March 2nd Open House. Entertainment + Dan and Dave car talk question session'

August 14 IRL race. Lots of interest in this event- Like to do a car coral and tailgate. Try to get regional involvement .

Tom was concerned about the number of cars on the track at the 3day event.

Should be a collaboration between SEC and DEC to help with relations. Wait for the end of contracts (end of Jan early Feb ) to address this with NHMS.

Winter Reunion donation is $500 plus cans and Tip jar.

For giveaways we have $100 to spend on CCA website. Can get 3 nice items for the auction(grill badge, Throw, Umbrella set).

General Stuff:

Asset list:

Dana and Mike- Random stuff- clipboards, banners (2 WMC and 1 SS), 2 sign holders, consumables , rope, t-shirts, disposable skirting, storage box, knife set, cash box, E-Z up tent, chapter window decals.

Tracey Wolf- 6' table

Dave Harrison- Green metal posts

Dick- Has trailer with cones, data equipment, projector, E-Z up that’s trashed

Marketing: NHMS- need to address changes for Ad's, Some people associate us with Boston Chapter.

Granite state stamps. Get a stamp for applications. $24.95. Get a dummy membership # for the chapter for tracking.

Expo- Made in NH. As a non-profit for $50. We get a logo and special stuff. We get the opption for a spot at the Expo.

Membership: Increase 0f 1.8%- 682 at low in the year, we are at 694 now. NH is up 15 members.

Got a mobile code for smart phone people.

Website: Elections is up and running. Trying to get Dick Demain to help big projects and website.

We need to take responsibility to get content to Paul for website updates.

DEC: 3 Day wrap-up. Went OK. Was very cold.

About dates, conference call with Boston , combining with Boston to space events out. Looking at April 22nd but is tentative.

NHMS is getting to do winter events. Maybe flood a parking lot for an Ice winter event ADSS.

Called at: 8:50