July Board Meeting

By: Roland Beaule

All in Attendance: Roland Beaule, Paul Michali, Dana Sion, Mike Morin, Mark Viola, David and Rachelle Harrison, Cassandra, Chris Miller, Martin Callahan, Jim Gorrie, Brad Crowteau.

Called to order at: 6:40

SEC: Cassandra got in contact with Laura and Turner is considering sponsorship. 10 Fisher Cats tix left. BMW of Stratham is on board with Winter Reunion.

Profile is going well Rachelle, 2 new people to deal with advertising for Profile. Discussed price difference for a advertising.

Membership: 643 for May and 634 for June. We now have 220 Facebook fans.

Website: 2nd quarter 57 hours development, 4 hours on admin. Email blast is working now. Just about done with membership data. Sending electronic Profile to sponsors.

Called at: 8:30