September Board Meeting
By: Roland Beaule
All in attendance: Mike Morin, Dan Sion, Mark Viola, Roland Beaule, David & Rochelle Harrison, Paul Michali, Johaim Wrede.
Called to order at: 6:45
Rochelle would like change the mail box. The old one is $180, the new one will be $92. We will need to pay to get the mail forwarded.
The board took a vote on the new P.O. Box. All were in favor Mark,David and Roland
Elections are coming up. Nominee's need to be forwarded to Mike Morin, Oct 1-28. November is online voting.
Website: Website is turned over to Dream Host service.
-New active sponsors are sent an email to get on the electronic Profile.
SEC: In October BavAuto show and shine we have a tent set up.
January 21st is the winter reunion.
Get with IRA about a clean car day in march.
Johann proposed doing a raffle to collect money, giving away an ADSS or SS school.
Also a reoccurring ride once a month.
Membership: July-628, August-635. Facebook-227 Twitter-31
DEC: ADSS for Oct 15 is 17 students. 3 day event has 66 drivers signed up.
Called at: 8:54