February Board meting

By: Roland Beaule

All in Attendance: Roland Beaule, Mark Viola, Dana Sion, Joham, Dick Demaine, Al Creto, Paul Michali, David Harrison.

Called to order at: 6:44

SEC: Cassandra said the next Drive n Dine is advertized, 12 Pines restaurant in Peterborough NH. And also Parker s Maple Barn in March. Exotic Car Show is on August 18. Trying to get 3D Auto to do something.

Membership: January- up 1.4% 636

-Schools events are up on the website. A percentage of non-member revenue is taxable. Different price for non-member vs members, Non-members + $50

DEC: Schools brought in $19k and netted $13K. We have low teens in the bank. Profile is supporting itself. Meetings were about $4k

Website: Working session for web after board meeting. Trying to make it lower maintenance.

Q4= 15 hours maintenance

279- maintenance


Called at: 8:00