January Board Meeting

By: Roland Beaule

All in Attendance: Johann, Mark Viola, Walter Wolf, Roland Beaule, Tom Stoll, Kelly, Josh, Dana Sion

Called to order at: 6:47

We made Introductions for some guests Kelly and Josh.

DEC: Quiet season. April 15 the first track event is scheduled for. Shortly there will be a meeting for changing of the guard for the chair position. No new check for the one that bounced at the last event. Chapter balance is $4600 and investment account is $3000. Outstanding invoice of $700 for common man. Last week in October for 3 day event.

SEC: Meeting at the end of the month. Upcoming events Parkers March 29, Larz Anderson Aug, BavAuto October first Sun. SEC is looking for Ideas. Dave stopped by Perfection Automotive they are fine waiting a few months to do a tech session. They are really busy.

Profile is off to the printer. Photo Contest- send your pictures of your BMW on the road- winner gets 1 year free membership. Offer people with B/W ads color for remainder of the year. Then only offer color ad prices.

Membership: Is down a little.

Website: We have an opportunity to switch to Male Chimp server. With this we can see when people open the E-Mails we send. Its free for 12,000 emails to 2000 subscribers, But the E-Mails need to be more attractive.

Called at: 8:05