August 2002 Board Meeting Minutes by George Bixby August 7, 2002
Mike Lussier and George Bixby were the only chapter officers to attand this months meeting. The meeting was called to order, by Mike Lussier, at 6:40 PM at The Yard in Manchester, NH. In attendance were Patty Bixby, Tom Blinn, Marty Callahan, and Susan Dugdale.
Mike commented that there was no printed agenda. He began the meeting by asking Patty Bixby to report on the Simon Pearce tour. She stated that 13 people attended, there was one no show, and the club lost only $8.51 on the event. She added that all the participants had a good time. Patty said that Pam and Stan Chamalias had written an article about the event that was scheduled to be published in the next edition of the "Profile". Mike asked if the person that didn't show requested a refund. Patty said no. Mike added that the chapter should restate it's refund policy.
Mike asked George if he had the minutes to the June meeting. George replied that he had not completed them but had the minutes to the May meeting.
Mike brought up the upcoming DEC event (8/23) and reported that attendance was not what is normally expected. George reported that the DEC thought the break even point for the event would be about 75 to 80 students. George also said that the DEC was discussing the number of run groups for the event to make sure there were enough flaggers on the track. Mike commented that the chapter may want to publicize the events in the "Profile" to ensure maximum attendance. George replied that he thought the Cabin Fever school suffered because of the change in dates and the August was having difficulty because the Boston Chapter's Watkins Glen event being so close to this one.
Mike asked about autocross. George reported that Lee had stated, at the DEC meeting, that the last autocross was well attended with forty registrants and the event cleared a profit.
Mike asked Marty to report on the upcoming fun rally. Marty presented a budget that was reviewed. After some suggestions it was decided to charge $35 per person, which included dinner, and present prizes for the top three finishers (as well as some door prizes).
Mike brought up the issue of membership report. George reported that Peter Duffy was unable to attend because he was needed at an emergency meeting of the COM sports car club. George volunteered to pass on the list of new members to Peter.
Under new business Mike brought up that the Pine Mountain chapter would not be holding its Mount Washington Hill Climb event due to the lack of sponsorship. He added that the main sponsor, Audi North America, had declined to renew its sponsorship. He expressed his hopes that this could add to the participation in the upcoming run rally.
Patty brought up the Wine Tasting dinner. Patty told the group that the event would be held at the Bedford Village Inn on Sunday, November 11, 2002. Also, she said, the Bedford Village Inn is one of two five star restaurants in New Hampshire and she was enthusiastic about having the event there. The charge would be $80 per person and a minimum of 25 participants were needed for the club to break even. She added that she like to use online registration and registration would have a drop dead date listed. The final head count had to be submitted to BVI seven days prior to the event. Additionally, if the minimum quantity of 25 is not met by the drop dead date, the event could be cancelled.
Mike said that it sounded like the wine tasting dinner could be a premium event and asked Patty what assistance she needed to ensure its success. She replied that she needed to start advertising as soon as possible. Marty volunteered that the event would be in the September issue of the "Profile" and should be added to the WMC and Boston chapter's web sites. He also said that chapter should circulate a post card or flyer to the chapter's membership.
Marty brought the idea of planning an event for Labor day weekend of 2003. He suggested that the chapter consider an automobile tour of Nova Scotia. He said that the chapter should cap the number of cars to 20 (and people to 40) to make the event manageable. He suggested that the chapter consider forming a committee to start planning in September of 2002.
Mike presented the last piece of new business with a check from Exeter Hospital for the use of the chapter's equipment at a recent event (with some of the chapter's instructors).
There was no other new business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.