March Board Meeting
Roland Beaule
All in Attendance: Chris Hagerty, David Harrison, Roland Beaule, David Thibideau, Johann Wrede, Tom Stoll, Dana Sion
Called to order at: 6:43
Johann and David are going to chapter congress. David Thibideau is asking for a new operations manual. Dave Harrison asked if anyone had any questions for National.
SEC: Having a meeting at the end of the month They will update Profiles on the website. Parkers at the end of the march. 104 Diner on May3rd in New Hampton.
Chris suggested Heritage Museum and Gardens in Sandwich Ma. Maybe Bowling in June. End of year party. Will bring up Castle in the clouds car show on July 11th.
David Thibideau ask Johann if he wrote a check for helmet stickers.
Website: Renewed the Domain.
DEC: David Thibideau will check on the Street Survival from July 2014, Never got reimbursed from national $2200.
Membership: March 679 down 6.
Called at: 8:30