Mid Month Special Meeting

By Roland Beaule

All in attendance: David Thibodeau, Roland Beaule, Tom Stoll, David Harrison, David and Susan Tedeski, Dana Sion

Called to order at: 6:05

Johann with personal matters and work schedule said “Sorry but can no longer continue as treasurer.

David asked Walter Wolf if he would like to fill the vacancy. He said yes.

David Harrison went over the By-Laws and put the board to a vote. The 3 board members present, David Harrison (president), Dan Sion(Vice President) and Roland Beaule(secretary) voted unanimously yes on the transition.

Next Walter and Johann need to get together for the transition.

DEC: Track event went well. It was 72*. Another date in July. Trying for more ADSS events. Trying to get with Club Motorsport to get something together at Tamworth, even if its just a show in the parking lot.

Closed at: 6:30