August Board Meeting
By, Roland Beaule
All in attendance: Mike Morin, Dana Sion, Roland Beaule, Tom Stoll, Walter Wolf, David Harrison, Andrew Bass, Chris Hagerty, David and Sue Tedeski, Mike and Nick Patane
Called to order at: 6:45
David Harrison suggested to remove one general meeting (October).
Chris asked David about Castle in the clouds Rally. They will do the details through Email.
Membership: Little dip in membership 660 back up to 680.
SEC: Did go to Waterville valley It went good. 12 members went. Larz Anderson August 9. Andrew brought his i8 for judging. Bowling in Merrimack 10 pin on September 12. Had a movie event at Chunky's Cinema in Nashua. October 3 is Redline diner and BavAuto Trip. October 31 is chili night, Saturday night of 3 day event.
Asked Heather at Ultimate Bimmer service to ask Rob Seigle (Hack Mechanic) about doin a book signing.
Saturday January 23 Holiday Reunion.
Finance: 2016 budget meetings and an Audit in 2016 for 2015. Balance is $20,600. Some bills to pay $18,657.26 after bills and 2 deposits.
New adviser- Tulley
New Business: Londonderry flea market car part swap. Third Sunday each month through September
SEC meeting august 24'
Called at: 7:52