Attendees: Roland Beaule, Bruce Bergeron, Tom Giffen, David Harrison, Paul Lillios, Paul Michali (PC), Dave Tedeschi, Susan Tedeschi, Dave Thibodeau.
Called to order: 1/11/2018 6:30 PM Adjourned: 7:45 PM
Agenda covering Board transition topics...
Election results: Outgoing President is Dave Thibodeau, incoming is Susan Tedeschi. Outgoing Secretary is Roland Beaule, incoming is Paul Michali. Vice President Paul Lillios re-elected. Treasurer Bruce Bergeron re-elected. Twenty votes were cast between online and in person voting at December meeting.
Motion carried to for Secretary to create corporate resolution to notify bank of change of officers and credit card assignments.
Motion carried for the chapter to coordinate raising money for the BMW Foundation for 2018.
Discussions on:
- NH corporate filings (sent in)
- Post office box (key handed off to Susan)
- Bank account (will add Susan, and remove Dave Thibodeau. AI: PC to draft letter)
- Meeting schedule (planning quarterly Board/membership meetings, next meeting on 3/26. AI: Board to determine location)
- Mailing list management (can send 1-2 mailings per month, free)
- Financial reporting needed (targeting next newsletter, will place on web, and notify members via email. AI: Bruce to prepare)
- 2018 budget (AI: Bruce to complete for review)
- BMWCCA Chapter admin form (AI: Bruce to send in, so PC has access)
- BMWCCA Charity matching funds request (due 2/1)
- Northeast Regional conference call (1/16 - Susan and Bruce should be able to attend)
- Northeast Regional newsletter event listings (AI: PC will post Q1 events, once access obtained)
- SEC (Winter reunion 2/10, Parkers Maple Barn 3/18)
- BMW Foundation request (Dave Thibodeau initiated challenge to members to raise money, collectively, as a chapter)
- Chapter email aliases (AI: PC will update for Susan/Dave Tedeschi)
- New business (none)