February 2004 Board Meeting Minutes by Tom Blinn February 4, 2004
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 by Rich Davis. In attendance were Rich Davis, Phil Brown, Tom Blinn, Melanie Brown, Paul Michali, Martin Callahan, Geoff Pascoe, Mark Lombardi, Vince Tan, Walter Wolf, John Cloutier, Cal Cloutier, Rob Greer, Laurie Wass, and Reid Douglas.
Minutes from the January 2004 meeting are available on the web site. Printed copies were distributed at the meeting. The minutes were approved as posted.
Mike Lussier was unable to attend due to work obligations.
Membership: Paul Michali reported that in January we have had 6 new members, 16 expired members, and 44 members that renewed, based on the data he has received from the National office. He has prepared a letter to be posted to each non-renewing member to encourage them to renew.
He has also investigated the status of the "unallocated" club members with Vermont ZIP codes. We are encouraged by Reid Douglas to contact the Vermont members and encourage them to become WMC members. Martin Callahan can have a complementary copy of the Profile sent to these members if Paul provides a list.
Social committee: Melanie Brown provided minutes from the January 29 meeting of the social committee.
The committee proposes having a golf tournament as fund raising event to benefit a charitable organization. Their minutes have supporting details. It was moved/seconded to do the event and approved unanimously by the board members present. It was moved/seconded and approved unanimously that the preferred beneficiary will be "The Weber Foundation of Helping Hands", a New England based charity that will use 100% of the contributions for charitable purposes. Holloway Motors has been contacted to help sponsor the event through providing a "hole in one" award of a new BMW, model to be determined. T
he committee has many other events in process. We are unlikely to do a White Mountains hotel trip this summer. Castle Springs has been reorganized and no longer operates the "Castle in the Clouds" so it is unlikely we will do a summer picnic/family event there. There is still interest in doing a trip to Nova Scotia but it seem unlikely it will be this fall, Geoff Pascoe is starting planning now for an autumn 2005 event and needs assistance from the DEC if we are going to take part in a track day with the Bluenose chapter at AMP (Atlantic Motorsports Park). The board approved an increase in the frequency of social events committee meetings as deemed necessary by the committee to carry out their increased responsibilities.
Driving events committee was represented by Phil Brown. All the scheduled driving events for 2004 are posted on the chapter web site.
Insurance rates have not yet been communicated by National. We anticipate an increase from last year but do not know the amount. The DEC has decided that the tuition rate for NHIS events will be $140/person/track day. The Boston Chapter has adopted the same rate for this year. This is the first increase in 9 years.
We have contracted with Club Motorsport for access to their facility on Friday, September 17th. The cost to participate is expected to be about $175/person. John Cloutier is managing this event.
Profile: Martin Callahan reported that he needs content for the next issue. Submissions are needed by the Friday after the next board meeting, in other words, March 5th.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.