April 2004 Board Meeting Minutes
	by Tom Blinn	April 7, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Rich Davis. In attendance were Rich Davis, Phil Brown, Tom Blinn, Melanie Brown, Paul Michali, Mike Lussier, Alvin Legerlotz, Dick Cadieux, David Harrison, George Bixby, Lee Davis, Janet Levenson, and Dave Dubiel.

Minutes from the March 2004 meeting are available on the web site. Printed copies were distributed at the meeting. The minutes were approved as posted.

Mike Lussier provided a fairly detailed financial report. Our cash balance is down from a year ago but this is believed to be largely a result of driving event registrations coming in at a somewhat slower rate than at the same time a year ago. We have invested more in our social events but anticipate they will be self-funding for most of this year. Mike had a fairly detailed breakout of income and expenses by category based on historical data back to 1992. The chapter has had a positive net income in the past three years.

Mike noted that the chapter needs to submit the roster of chapter officers to the National office, and suggested that Rich Davis should obtain the form and submit it. Rich agreed that this was his responsibility.

Social Committee:

Melanie Brown provided an update on the committee's activities. Details are on the web site at http://www.wmc-bmwcca.org/library/75. The charity golf tournament plans are well under way. The event will be June 26th at the Lochmere golf course in Tilton, NH http://www.lochmeregolf.com. The beneficiary will be "The Weber Foundation of Helping Hands", a New England based charity that will use 100% of the contributions for charitable purposes.

Volunteers are needed to help both with pre-event preparations and on the day of the event. Contact Melanie (mbrown@wmc-bmwcca.org or 603-528-5444) or any social committee member by email or phone to get more information or sign up.

The fun rally planning is underway and the date will be Saturday August 14th. The theme will be covered bridges. The route will visit many scenic parts of the state and should be a fun time for everyone.

New to the proposed social events schedule are a Labor Day weekend cookout at the home of Dave Dubiel and Janet Levenson in Goffstown, NH, and a getaway weekend in February at the Applebrook B&B in Jefferson, NH http://www.applebrook.com/.

Additional information on these and other social events is available on the web site.

Driving Events:

Driving events committee was represented by Alvin Legerlotz and Phil Brown. Driving events for 2004 are posted on the chapter web site. There was discussion about the coming events and rate structure.

The next driving events meeting is listed on the chapter web site as Monday, May 10. The secretary expressed a concern that driving events minutes are not being posted on the chapter web site.


Paul Michali reports that for February we had 18 expirations, 21 renewals, and 4 new memberships, with a total active membership at month end of 777. For March we had no expirations, 41 renewals, 22 new memberships, 18 transferred out and 14 in, with a total membership of 797 at month end.

New Business:

George Bixby expressed a concern that the chapter should be more assertive in bringing our driving events and training to the attention of new members.

George Bixby volunteered to organize a safety seminar on the topic of driver restraints - seat belts and safety harnesses. Joe Marko was identified as a highly qualified presenter on the topic. There was some discussion about an appropriate venue. Some members felt this would be an excellent classroom or lunchtime seminar at an NHIS track event. Others felt it should be an evening or weekend presentation to attract general membership attendance. George will report on this proposal at a future meeting.

Rich Davis proposed that the chapter should formally recognize the volunteers who make the club function and our events happen. No specific program was identified, but the idea was generally well supported. Phil Brown noted that the annual holiday party would be an appropriate venue for such recognition. Tom Blinn suggested that the National office may have guidelines or a program in place and we should discuss our ideas with them. Rich will report on this at a future meeting.

The Komen event needs a godfather or godmother to help assure its success. Rich Davis has been in contact with Audrey Pinero.

Paul Michali noted that Martin Callahan is doing The Profile production using his own laptop computer which has a relatively small screen. The screen resolution makes using the page layout software difficult. Paul proposed that the chapter should purchase a large screen high resolution video monitor for Martin's use in this activity, at a cost not to exceed $500. George Bixby seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.