Driving Events Committee Minutes by George Bixby April 25, 2001
The meeting commenced at 6:45 pm at the Red Hook Brewery in Portsmouth, NH. The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.
The first item on the agenda was filling our curriculum gap (what to offer, how will it be offered, and when will it be offered). Dan Guliano asked Phil Brown to speak to the group about this subject. Phil stated, that in an effort to add to the learning experience of our group one students, we need to offer further development. Phil suggested that this could help the club’s goals of developing new instructors. He also said that this opportunity could be used to provide a stepping stone for club racing. There was some discussion about how this could help the club and the students. Mike Francis motioned that we could explore the interest to move up by sending a newsletter to group one students. The motion was seconded by Phil Brown. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
The second item on the agenda was Formal scheduling of any/all intended "M" lot activities at NHIS. Dan Guliano ask Phil Brown to also speak to the group on this topic. Phil relayed that the club had acquired extra dates for the use of “M” lot. He said that one date, May 20, was to make up for the loss of the April 7th date. It was decided to move the instructor development school, originally scheduled for April 7th, to the May 20th date. Phil told the group about the extra dates that were acquired of June second and third.
Phil Brown motioned that the June 2 date be used for Advanced Skills School for spouses and offspring. There was some discussion and it was stated that any young person, between 16 and eighteen, must have a valid driver’s license and be signed in, at the gate, by a parent or guardian. The motion was seconded by Dan Croteau. The motion passed by a unanimous vote. Phil then suggested that the club use the June 3rd date to satisfy a commitment to the COM club and rent “M” lot for that day, for an Autocross event. He added that the club would be working with COM to run the event. Dan Guliano declared the suggestion as a motion and the motion was seconded by Lee Walsh. The motion passed unanimously.
Phil then told the club that we had the lot on July 28th and he had it in his book as a traditional advanced skills school. Dan Guliano accepted the suggestion as a motion and the motion was seconded by Phil Brown. The motion passed unanimously. Lastly, Phil added that he thought that there were some other dates but he had left his notes at home and that he would provide those dates later.
Item number 3 on the agenda was a review of the instructor pool status. What will we have to offer the Boston Chapter for the O’Fest 2001? Dan Guliano told the group that he had been in touch with Luka Sedar of the Boston Chapter. Luka told Dan that they were not prepared at this time and that they would contact us later if they needed any assistance.
Item number 4 on the agenda concerned open top cars. George Bixby spoke to the group about the issue. George stated that since the last time the group discussed the subject, he had found out the NCR chapter of the Porsche club allows open top cars on the track for driving school events. George added that Peter Duffy had provided him with a copy of the SCCA rules so that he could review the section on roll cages. George concluded that the rules and specifications were comprehensive and that he would have no problem supporting an SCCA roll cage as a requirement.
There was some discussion on the issue and Peter Duffy made a motion on the issue. The motion is as follows: The club will allow an open top car with an SCCA approved roll bar/cage. The top of the driver’s head, as he/she sits in the car, shall be two inches below a straight line between the windshield/windscreen and the roll hoop/cage (referred to as the broomstick rule). The student is to sign an additional waiver, that states that the roll hoop/cage complies with the SCCA rules for construction and installation. Also, in the waiver, the student agrees to accept the additional risk, above that accepted by other students in enclosed cars, and not hold the club responsible for any liability. Further, the car will have adequate arm restraints for both student and instructor. Dan Guliano reviewed the motion and decided to table the motion until the next meeting.
Under new business, Dan Guliano asked that the group do a post mortum on the April 20th driver’s ed event. The biggest issue that was discussed was that the club’s chief instructor was not available. Dan Croteau motioned that the club have an assistant chief instructor to carry out the chief instructor’s duties in his absence. The motion was seconded by Phil Brown. The motion passed unanimously. Phil Brown nominated Peter Duffy to the post of Assistant Chief Instructor. The nomination was seconded by Rob Greer. Peter Duffy accepted the nomination and the group unanimously voted him into the position.
There was no other business and the meeting was closed at 8:30 pm.