June 2001 Board Meeting Minutes
	by George Bixby	July 6, 2001

The meeting commenced at 6:55 pm at Jillian’s in Manchester, NH.

George Bixby presented the minutes to the last months meeting. Dan Guliano motioned that the minutes be accepted. The motion was seconded and the motion was carried by vote.

Dan asked Mike Lussier to give the treasurer’s report. Mike told the chapter that cash was tighter than normal due to the expenses incurred with the Advanced Skills Schools and the Autocross that was rained out. Mike added that we did not receive the normal income from the Driving School.

Dan reported on the organizational meeting for O’Fest held at Waterville Valley. He stated that the TSD Rally, on Thursday, August 9th, was organized but that eight to ten volunteers were needed to staff it. He added that this could be an all day event. Also needed are five to six volunteers to help with the Concours, on Friday August 10th, from 9 am to 2 pm (to park cars). Dan was asked what the projected attendance would be. He replied that an accurate count of the registrants was not available but the count for room registrations was about one thousand.

Dan told the club that he had had further conversations with Luka Sedar of the Boston Chapter about helping out with instructors for the O’Fest Driving School. He reported that the Boston Chapter would indeed accept whatever assistance we could offer.

Dan asked Alan Goddu to report on the upcoming Susan G. Komen Drive for a cure. Alan reported that the folks at Dreher-Holloway was very excited about the event and he urged membership participation. Alan was asked what the event hours were and he replied 10 am to 5 pm. Alan also informed the club that, as of this date, drivers to shuttle cars, from the Tulley date (of Susan G. Komen), were still needed. He added that the date was July 6, 2001 and any help was appreciated.

Under new business, Dan asked if anyone in attendance was present for the Spouse and Sprouts Advanced Skills School. Dan Croteau and George Bixby responded. Dan asked for a report on the event. Dan and George relayed how some of the spouses were reluctant at first but were enthusiastic at the end of the school. Erik Wensberg offered that this would make a good story for the “Roundel”. Dan asked George to write a story for the “Profile” (and possibly the Roundel). In a related issue, Alan Goddu reported that quite a few of our hoses had turned up missing from the shared storage trailer. He added that most needed to be replaced anyway. Alan told the chapter that, after much investigation, new hoses could be bought for the sum of $538.00.

There was some discussion about the issue and the suggestion to purchase the hoses was motioned by George Bixby. The motion was seconded by Erik Wensberg and the motion passed by unanimous vote.

After soliciting more new business Dan brought the meeting to a close at 7:30 pm.