January 2006 Board Meeting Minutes
	by Paul Michali January 6, 2006

Based on the meeting agenda, the following decisions and motions were made at today's meeting...

To address the December motion to have the Board determine whether DEC, SEC, and future committee chairs should be elected or appointed, the Board decided to generate job descriptions and to complete the Bylaws, which will address this and related concerns.

A question was raised about the roles/participation of Directors on the Board. Decision was to also address this in the Bylaws.

Motion: Work towards completing the Bylaws, which will define the roles and responsibilities for key chapter positions and formalize the appointment/election process for Board, Directors, and chapter staff. Motioned by (John), seconded (Rich). Approved by :majority.

Lengthly discussion concerning how we can address the appointments/elections in the bylaws. Rich will work on Board roles and responsibilities, John on DEC, and Paul on SEC, Web, Profile, and Membership staff.

Motion: Complete new Bylaw proposal by March 31st 2006 and then submit to membership for approval vote. Made by Paul, seconded by John. Approved by majority vote.

Regarding the web site, where the current site is no longer being actively managed (hosting only, limited maintenance):

Motion: Board approval for the club to setup a club managed web-site. Made by John, seconded by Rich. Approved by majority.

Motion: Give Paul Michali all authority over development and content of web site, making day to day decisions and to establish an operating budget that is not to exceed the costs of the current web-site ($20/month hosting). Made by Rich, seconded by John. Approved by majority vote.

Request was made to DEC for meeting schedule for 2006. Waiting for update.

Regarding the Profile, member communications, and planning:

Motion: * Publish Profile quarterly with more of a focus on providing information and entertainment, marketing the club in general. * Publish a bi-monthly one page flier with calendar of upcoming events to supplement marketing efforts, for a trial period. * Cost info for flier TBD, but expect that Profile savings (~$1400/issue) to offset the cost. * Generate e-mail blast 2-3 weeks before each event to notify members

and interested parties. * Continue Chapter meetings on a bi-monthly basis (Feb. is next), changing to Monday nights at 6:30 PM. Venues are TBD. * Board meetings will be bi-monthly on 1st Monday of the month (Mar. is next) forum TBD, but likely conference call. * Keep web-site current with all upcoming events.

Motioned by Rich, seconded by John. Approved by majority vote.