November 2001 Board Meeting Minutes
	by George Bixby	November 7, 2001

The meeting commenced at 6:45 PM at Jillian’s in Manchester, NH. Club officers in attendance were Dan Guliano, Phil Brown, Mike Lussier, and George Bixby. Also attending were Bruce Smith, Dick Cadieux, Mike Francis, Pat Francis, Matt Kogan, Lee Walsh, Stan Chamallas, George Briggs, Tom Blinn, and Geoff Pascoe.

Dan asked Mike Lussier to give the Treasurer’s Report.

Mike replied that overall the treasury was in good shape. He elaborated that the balance had improved, largely due to the recent Driving School event (the End of Summer school). The club had made money for the event (as opposed to a loss for last year’s event). Mike added that all bills associated with the event had been paid. Also, the advertisers for the event had yet to be billed. The official student count for the event was 106.

Dan started the discussion about the Driving School event by asking those that attended how they viewed the success of the event. The consensus from the group is that the 2001 End of Summer Driving School event was the best organized and executed the club had put on. The event was incident free and flagging changes went like clockwork. There was particular praise for Maehgan LaFortune and her role in staging and public address.

Phil Brown was asked to report on the scheduling for next year’s events.

Phil told the club that he was, at present, negotiating next years dates with NHIS. He added that he was trying to arrange three dates to hold events. He inquired about trying to schedule two of the dates near what we had this year and trying to obtain another date around the middle of July. He reasoned that this would help students develop skills by not waiting so long between dates. Most agreed with this plan.

George asked if the club could hold more multiple day events. He added that driving two days back to back was very helpful and he would be interested in more schools like that.

There was a question for Phil about dates for Advanced Skill Schools and Autocross events. Lee Walsh added that most of the other clubs had their autocross dates established and it would be nice to fit our dates between theirs for better attendance. Phil replied that these dates were open and that Matt should get his requests to him. Phil said he believed that choice dates would be available to him for awhile longer.

As an added item, Bruce brought up the discussions with the Canadians for a co-sponsored event next year. He reported that the Canadians were negotiating with Mt. Tremblant for a date. He said he believed that we should know by the end of November whether we have a date or not. Bruce told the club that it most likely would be a three day event and cost per day would be a little higher than NHIS. He added that this cost would be shared with the Canadians, with the arrangements still to be worked out.

The club’s next discussion was about a nomination slate for the club’s officers.

Dan reiterated that he would not be available for club office next year. George Bixby told the group that he was interested in continuing as Recording Secretary. Mike Lussier volunteered to continue as club Treasurer. Phil Brown told the group that he had considered the position of club president but felt he could not put in the extra amount of time the position deserves. However, Phil volunteered to continue as Vice President. There was no other discussion about club officers.

Dan reminded the club that the holiday party was fast approaching. He told the club that the board of directors had decided that the tickets to the party would be $20 per person. Dan added that this price would include a DJ for the evening’s festivities. He announced that notice of the party would be added to the web site next week.

Matt Kogan reported to the club that the karting competion known as the “Boston F1 Challenge” would be held the following Sunday. He said that twenty people had signed up but more could be accommodated. He requested that attendees be there at 11:00 am and practice would begin at 11:30 pm.

Under new business, Phil informed the club that he was familiar with someone that administered Web sites. He thought that this could be a cost saving item. He asked the board to consider looking into this.

Dan asked if there was other new business for the club to consider and then adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.