Here are answers for some of your frequently asked questions about the Street Survival™ program.

What do we need to do in order for our teen driver to participate?
  1. Participants must be between 16-21 years of age;
  2. Students must have an unrestricted driver's license (i.e. not being held by authorities);
  3. Students must have their parents' permission to participate in the Street Survival™ school;
  4. For the best learning experience, participants should have some driving experience.
  5. Both parents must sign a Minor Waiver form, which can be downloaded from the Street Survival™ Web site. The form does not need to be notarized.
  6. Single parents will be required to provide an affirmation that they are the sole parent or guardian
  7. Students will need to present a photocopy of their license, proof of insurance, and the original signed Minor Waiver form (if under 18) to participate in the Street Survival™ schools.
How much does it cost?
$60 per student. This participation fee includes a 1-year membership in the local BMW Car Club of America (BMW CCA) chapter with access to all of the chapter's member events and activities.
Why do I use my own car?
We ask that students use the cars they normally drive. Our goal is to teach the students how their cars react under all driving conditions. Each car has unique handling characteristics (front wheel drive vs. rear wheel drive) and we want the students to be most comfortable in the car in which they spend the most time.
How do I sign up for a school in my area?
You can check out schools in your area and register for Street Survival electronically by visiting
How long does each class run?
Each school lasts a single day, approximately from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. It involves one hour of classroom time for orientation and explanation of the day's activities. We also teach the student the new language they will be using all day. The remainder of the day, the students enjoy a hands-on driving experience with a trained instructor in the car at all times, on a controlled, wet-down driving course.
How are cancellations handled?
Cancellations will be handled through your local contact. Once a reservation is made, the student will receive a reservation confirmation electronically.
What about the amount of wear on students' cars?
This class does not cause significant wear-and-tear on participants' cars. Since the courses are mainly driven "in the wet," minimal wear on tires or brakes occurs. In fact, a car suffers more wear-and-tear commuting back and forth to school or work in a 3-day period than it does during the standard Street Survival™ program
How do I prepare my car for the Street Survival program?
  1. There will be a safety check on each car in the program by the student's instructor. Any cars not meeting the minimum safety requirements (as listed on the BMW CCA Foundation Web site) will not be allowed to participate.
  2. Empty all loose objects out of the car including cell phones, radar detectors, garage door openers, and water bottles. Check under your seats, and empty your trunk of everything that isn't bolted down.
  3. Put more air pressure in the tires than normal. Add 3 - 4 lbs. more pressure than the normal tire pressure (listed on the sticker inside the door jam). Never exceed the maximum pressure printed on the side of the tire.
  4. Wash your windows for clear visibility.
How do I prepare myself for the event?
We run Street Survival™ come rain or shine, so dress appropriately for the weather. Get a good night's sleep, and show up equipped with a positive attitude and a good sense of humor.
Can I bring friends / family along to watch?
Depending on the individual facility, spectators are typically encouraged. Check with your local contact for specifics.
What's in it for the BMW CCA Foundation?
The Foundation is a 501c(3) public charitable organization that was created to meet the needs of the public. The success of Street Survival is based on the number of teen drivers we can reach. The ultimate goal of and reward for the Foundation is to make the roads safer by educating as many teen drivers as possible.